.250 Ackley Improved Krag

  • Last Post 18 December 2016
.22-10-45 posted this 18 December 2016

I asked this question on another forum, but thought I would ask the experts over here...What are your opinions of shooting cast gas-checked bullets in this caliber?   Only interested in accuracy with cast...is this too large a case to bother with?  Wondering what sort of accuracy I could obtain at 100yds?  Thanks!

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SierraHunter posted this 18 December 2016

I imagined wish appropriate powders and loading technique will do just fine. May need to use some kind of case fuller, but we do well with cast in the parent case, so no reason that this won't shoot cast well, and you have a fair length of neck which is always good with cast bullets.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 18 December 2016

interesting question ...our esteemed cba member joeb has recently been comparing 223 and 22-250  and has a reasonably good argument that the 22-250 is a better cast bullet cartridge ... so it is at least possible that the krag case will not be detrimental to accuracy from too much airspace .

i am getting my 300 win mag into shape to try 30 cast for comparison .... against the current gotta-have 30 BR case that have been all-conquering in serious competition .... follow-the-leader ??  hmmm ...

i suspect that any conclusions with cast are unfortunately weighted specific to the latest test.... but still, every data point adds to the big picture ...

...and it's fun ...


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