New Exciting News!

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  • Last Post 16 December 2016
David Reiss posted this 15 December 2016

Very soon the CBA will have both Facebook & Google+ pages up and going. This will give us greater internet & social media exposure, hopefully garnering us new, as well as younger members. Once the pages are up we will provide the links to them so you can see how you're CBA is improving and updating it's image.

Some of you may not agree with all these changes, but it is absolutely necessary to move the CBA forward. While the initial response to these changes was mixed at best in the beginning, the tide of opinions has changed considerable over the past week, with many positive comments far out weighing any concerns.

The board is always receptive to suggestions and we encourage you to make them. However when it comes to the workings of the new website and forum, we are very aware of the changes that still need to be made. With this said, please try and keep your comments about issues to yourself on the forum, so it is left cleaner for discussions pertaining to cast bullet shooting. Instead forward your comments, suggestions and complainants to me at the email below. I promise they will not be ignored and forwarded to the proper person handling that issue.

Best regards,

David Reiss [email protected] 

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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SierraHunter posted this 16 December 2016

I personally think that a Facebook page is a wonderful idea. Most younger people like myself, when wanting to get into something new, look for a group or page to follow on Facebook, because it does not require signing up with a new user name on a forum. I think it will be a great way to reach out to the younger generations, plus the Facebook page can also have a store for products, such as match targets and such.

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SierraHunter posted this 16 December 2016

Oh! One more cool thing about the Facebook page! The ability to run adds.

Let's say, for instance that the special membership deal is going until Christmas. You could write up a add on FB, and I think it is 1 dollar a day to run it but you get to choose a the group of people that the add is showed to, by age, interest, and a few other fields. I think the 1 dollar a day is supposed to reach between 3000-10,000 people in a 5 day run time. It's a very handy tool that I use from time to time on the pages that I run.

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