Which mold

  • Last Post 06 December 2017
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Ross Smith posted this 05 December 2017

I have a Tikka t3 lite, .223, 8"twist. I am ready to purchase an NOE mold and try cast in it. Which mold would be a good starting point? NO I haven't slugged the throat and bore. Thanks, Ross

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GP Idaho posted this 05 December 2017

Ross: I like the 60gr RN I have just the 2 cavity but it has one gas check and one plain base. I have several 223s and have gone as low as 2.7gr of TiteGroup for plinking rounds with that bullet. Gp

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John Alexander posted this 06 December 2017


I have been shooting NOE 22780Sp in competition from my Tikka T3 lite, However they are presently out of stock. Al Nelson tells me he will run another batch when he get's caught up. My second choice would be the 22570RN.  I wrote about the results of my tests of this bullet in TFS #231 Sept/Oct 2014.  As I remember the average of the first 11 five shot groups was 1.25 moa with a first guess load.  I think I got it to average about 1 moa for five shot groups with very little tweeking,

I agree with GP that the NOE 60 grain bullet looks good but I haven't tried it.

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beltfed posted this 06 December 2017


I found that a nice practice load for the 222/223 is simply

a 22 cal Air rifle Pellet finger seated over primer only.

good for offhand practice in the basement.


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Ross Smith posted this 06 December 2017

Thanks All, Ross

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