SR4759 Comeback needs help!

  • Last Post 02 June 2022
David Reiss posted this 02 August 2018

Recently I sent an email to Shooters World / Lovex managing partner over ballistics, Ken Johnson about the possibility of producing a SR4759 clone. He enthusiastically responded that they would definitely be interested in doing so. He indicated that they may already have a powder that does so in their expanded list of powders produced for the European market under the Lovex brand.

Now here is the kicker, he needs 8 ounces to test in their lab to see if it can be duplicated. At this point we have a source in the northwest, but due to shipping issues, he would prefer to do a hand to hand exchange. He asked if we had someone in the Alabama, Georgia or Florida area he would be available for pickup. 

So we need a CBA member with 8 ounces to donate to this effort in one of the above states. Please contact me if you can help. A notice will go out in the newsletter and FS asking for help. But if someone could commit now, it would get the process started. 

In addition he said they would be willing to advertise the powder as "being a request from the CBA", which will help to promote the CBA.  

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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GP Idaho posted this 02 August 2018

David: That is good news! Shooters World / lovex powders are becoming a favorite of mine. Too bad that the shipping is such a problem as I have the SR4759 and a daughter-in-law in South Daytona. Maybe drop the hint to Ken J. that scenic Idaho is a great spot to summer vacation.  Gp

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frnkeore posted this 02 August 2018

My question is:

1. Will the size of the powder kernels be the same?

2. Or is it just a similar burn rate?


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Hamish posted this 02 August 2018

Stupid question, but, someone has to "find" a half pound of powder for them?

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M3 Mitch posted this 02 August 2018

This is good news.  I am not in a position to donate the powder, being in the Northwest and not having any 4759 (Do have some 4756 though).

But, anyway good news, wishing success for them!

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shake posted this 02 August 2018

I live in southeast Tn. and would be willing to donate eight ounces of 4759.

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  • RicinYakima
OU812 posted this 03 August 2018

4759 is an extruded hollow core powder. The hollow core gives the powder more bulk. Can they duplicate? Seems Hodgdon would have a better understanding of how the powder is manufactured, since they purchased IMR (Dupont powders).

I work at an old Hercules plant that makes hollow core poly propylene fibers. The poly propylene is heated then extruded downward thru a three hole jet. The three strands immediately fuss together after exiting hot jet and create a hollow core fiber about the thickness of a human hair (19.0 denier). Fibers are then heated and stretched to thinner 7.0 denier then cut to a 1 7/8" length. Looks a lot like poly fill fiber for making pillows, but lighter in weight. Hollow fiber goes into making baby diapers (absorbs more water than solid fiber) Poly propylene plastic repels water, so liquid finish chemical is added during process to make it absorb water. 

You come into this world wearing diapers then leave wearing diapers.


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delmarskid posted this 03 August 2018

I have some that I'm pretty sure is Dupont IMR 4759. It's not in the original container never was for that matter. Glad to donate it.

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David Reiss posted this 03 August 2018

I appreciate the offers from some of you, but we need to find someone closer as stated in the original post.

Now the others, I can only tell you what I put in the post. Since I took the initiative to start this project, I don't need nor want any "Monday morning quarterbacking". Even if the project fails, we will at least have made another "friend" to the CBA. Mr. Johnson, who I am sure is a busy man, gave me the courtesy to email back within hours. He wouldn't have done so without having felt this was a possibility.

I certainly do this for my own gain, it is all for the members of the CBA and cast shooting fraternity. 

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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OU812 posted this 03 August 2018

TTT you have PM

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Hamish posted this 03 August 2018

I live in southeast Tn. and would be willing to donate eight ounces of 4759.


If shake were closer to Owensboro, I would suggest taking it to Jeff at GI Brass and have him mail it. Could someone not take I take it prepackaged in a powder bottle in a good cardboard box to their local gun store that sells gun powder and pay them the Haz Mat fee to ship direct?  Buying pull down powder usually costs me $25-30 for the fee.

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David Reiss posted this 03 August 2018

As a manufacturer of smokeless powder they have certain rules to adhere to, so we have to do it their way. As of today we have a volunteer step forward that lives nearby. When I have updates I will let you know. 

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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Bohica793 posted this 04 August 2018

I have part of a bottle of SR4759 and I live in SW Alabama near the Florida line (Fairhope, AL).  I will be more than willing to donate this to the cause.

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Green Frog posted this 04 August 2018

Back about 15-20 years ago when I was shooting mostly with ASSRA, Winchester single shots were my go-to rifles and 32-40 was my go-to caliber/cartridge.  I read everything I could find and talked to all of my colleagues in ASSRA who would sit still long enough and developed a sort of standard loading for myself of 13.6 grains of 4759 behind first a 165 grain bullet and later 185 grainers (breech seated) or 200 grain bullets which were usually breech seated but sometimes shot "fixed" as well.  They worked well in that less-than-pristine original high wall barrel out to 100 yards and could stretch to 200 with fair success, With my other high wall I used a new Green Mountain barrel and I also spent some time shooting a Ruger Number 1 that had been rebarreled in 32-40 with a heavy Douglas barrel.  There may have been other powders and load combinations that would have shot better in one or the other of these guns, but that load shot well in all of them.  I went around just before I retired (and when I heard that 4759 was being discontinued again) and bought up as much of it as I could find (and afford.)  I've still got 10-12 pounds left, but if I start shooting again as much as I had planned to, it could go away quickly.  I'd love to see a new supply of the same powder or a very close equivalent.  

The original 4759 was gentle on the barrel, not position sensitive, and worked well at a variety of pressures so reduced loads worked well for target use, but higher velocity loadings worked well too.  Yes, I would definitely like to see all of that be available again!


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shastaboat posted this 04 August 2018

I have a over a half pound of SR4759 that I would donate.  I'm in Reno, NV and if someone would email me at [email protected] we can figure out how to get it there.

Because I said so!

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David Reiss posted this 04 August 2018

We have two volunteers that are near Ken Johnson, so I don't think we will need any more unless these two fall through, which I don't think will happen.

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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Ed Harris posted this 06 August 2018

I don't see it happening unless there were a government use for it.  SR4759 was originally used for loading cal. .30 plastic frangible training ammunition and was discontinued when the government requirement went away.  Trail Boss was/is a smokeless replacement for black in maritime line throwing and whaling applications, as well as for the propelling charge in 40mm grenades and explosive bolts for air ordnance.  It will be around for a while, but I don't see cast bullet users being able to provide enough demand for them to produce SR4759 again without a government application.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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rhbrink posted this 06 August 2018

The Shooters World imports  a powder named "Buffalo" which is as I understand a very close replacement  for 5744 which is very close to 4759. I have worked with it some in the '06 and currently trying some in a 38-55 still trying to find the right load. 

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RicinYakima posted this 07 August 2018

What version of 5744? I would b interested in the early MR5744 made by the Israelis, but not the second two versions.

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rhbrink posted this 07 August 2018

No idea I can only guess that Shooters World was working with one of the latter versions of 5744 I would prefer the first 5744 myself and would really be happy with the original 4759. 

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Redleged posted this 22 December 2018

Hi all. I know this is an old thread, but just wanted to see if there was any traction on this? I bought some Shooter's World Long Rifle and Buffalo Rifle from Grafs & Sons (at a very reasonable price.) I'm in the process of working up loads now, but overall, I'm happy with what I'm seeing. I would love to see Lovex make a clone/equivalent of the SR4759 simply because I missed out on buying a bunch of it when it was discontinued. Ed

Growing old is mandatory, growing up, however, is totally optional!

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