Postal Schedule 2025

#1 WINTER BENCHREST, group/score/ scope sights, due 1 March

#2 WINTER OFFHAND, score, scope or iron sights, due 1 March

#3 WINTER MILITARY BR, group, issue sights, due 1 April

#4 SPRING ICEBREAKER BR First-time entrants only), score, scope sights, due 1 May

#5 SPRING WARM-UP BR, group & score, scope sights, due 1 May

#6 SEASON BENCHREST, group/score, scope sights, due 1 May, June, July, August

#7 SEASON PISTOL BR, group/score, scope or iron sights, due 1 May, June, July, August

#8 SEASON MILITARY BR, 100yd, group/score, sights**, due 1 May, June, July, August

#9 MILITARY CARBINE BR, 100yd, group/score, sights**, due 1 August,

#10 SEASON OFFHAND, 100yd, rifle/pistol, scope or iron sights, due 15 May, June, July, August

#11 MILITARY BIG-BORE BR, 100yd, group, issue iron sights, due 1 December

#12 MILITARY OFFHAND, 100yd, score, sights**, due 15 July

#13 LITTLE-BORE BR, 100yd, group, scope sights, due 15 August

#14 SINGLE-SHOT, 100yd, score off-hand and benchrest group / score: scope or iron sights, due 1 September

#15 MID-BORE BR, 100yd, group, scope sights, due 1 September

#16 BIG-BORE BR, 100yd, group, scope or iron sights, due 15 September

#17 LEVER/PUMP/AUTO BR, 100yd, group/score, scope or iron sights, due 15 October

#18 DEER HUNTER, 100yd, rifle/pistol, score, scope or iron sights, due 1 December

#19 200-YARD COMBINED, group & score, scope sights, due 1 November

#20 200-YARD MILITARY BR, score, sights**, due 1 October

#21 ANTIQUE MILITARY BR, 100yd, group, issue iron sights, due 15 November

#22 TIMED FIRE HANDGUN, score, offhand, fixed sights, 50 feet, due 15 May, June, July, August 

#23 200-YARD BPCR Silhouette Score, Iron sight or 6x Scope with ext. adjustments 3/4" tube max, due 1 June, July, August, September

** Sights for these matches are: A1) Issue A2) Modified Iron A3) Modified Scope. Unless otherwise stated, each set of group targets costs $4.00, score $3.50. For full match details, ask for free copy of our Postal Match Guide. PLEASE BE SURE TO SPECIFY GROUP OR SCORE AND SITES USED WHEN ORDERING MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO "CBA POSTAL MATCH” & MAIL TO: Postal Match Guide. 

Director of Postal Competitions:
Michael Hice
PO Box 33
Granite Falls, NC 28630
email: [email protected]