1.1 Definitions
(a) Match - The firing of a single target card.
(b) Event - The firing of all programmed score/group matches at one range distance. (c) Shoot - The firing of one or more events in a single day.
(d) Tournament - The firing of two Benchrest score or score and group events over a period of two or more successive days. Standing matches may be included at the option of the Tournament Director.
1.2 Military Rifle Registered Shoot - A series of shoulder-to-shoulder matches covered by an official program approved by the Director of Military Competitions and conducted in full accordance with these rules. At least four competitors must actually fire in each event. A competitor firing a Military Rifle at a standard CBA Registered Shoot is eligible to set Military Rifle National Records. All pertinent Military Rifle Rules must be followed including the specified Targets, Time Limits and the handling of potential Record Targets. If less than four Military competitors, the Match Director will report these Results in a clearly labeled section along with the conventional CBA Results. If there are four or more Military competitors, Results and Tech Data are sent to
the Director of Military Competitions for reporting. Registered Shoots may be conducted any time other than the actual dates of the National Tournaments.
1.3 Match Fees - Pre-registration of all Military Rifle registered shoots will be sent to the Director of
Military Competitions per rule 10.1, along with a fee of $8 per shoot or tournament payable to the
1.4 Regional Championship - A registered shoot or tournament in accordance with 1.2, designated in advance by the Regional Director as the annual Regional Championship and so announced
in the official journal.
1.5 Military Rifle National Tournament - An annual registered competition sponsored by CBA and designated by the Director of Military Competitions as the Military Rifle National Tournament. Dates
of the annual National Tournament, no compelling reason otherwise, shall be the second weekend of
June. Only courses of fire for which Military Rifle National Records are recognized may be fired at a National Tournament. Unclassified entries are not permitted. National Military Rifle Tournament Championship Trophies shall be awarded for Issue, Modified Iron, Modified Scope and Big Bore Classes and for the standing Offhand Match Champion.
1.6 Postal Match - An unregistered single match, a series of matches and/or an aggregate whereby the competitor fires on his own local range under the rules of the particular match program and submits his fired target(s) by mail to the Director of Postal Competition for scoring. Conduct of unregistered matches may follow or vary from these rules at the discretion of the Director of Postal Competition.
1.7 Assisted Shoot - An unregistered shoulder-to-shoulder competition of precision marksmanship sponsored by another organization. Exclusive use of ammunition in accordance with Section 4 is required but conformance with other CBA rules is not mandatory. Publicity and in some cases awards are provided on approval of the President.
1.8 Firing Positions
(a) Benchrest - Seated at a shooting bench with the firearm supported by sandbags.
(b) Standing - Erect on both feet with no other portion of the body touching the ground or any supporting surface. Rifles will be supported by both hands and one shoulder only. The elbow or
upper part of the forward arm may be placed against the body or rested on the hip. Leather or heavy canvas shooting coats, palm rests, slings, and hook buttplates are NOT permitted. Shooting jackets
that do not provide a lot of support are permitted.
2.1 Classified Competition - In CBA Registered Shoots, Regional Championships, National Tournaments, and Postal Matches entry is restricted to CBA members, associate members and, on a reciprocal basis, members of The National Benchrest Shooters Association and International Benchrest Shooters.
2.2 Unclassified Entries - When firing points are readily available, Match Directors may permit members or non-members paying the required entry fee to fire at registered shoots as unclassified entries. Ammunition conforming to Section 4 and equipment conforming to Section 5 are not required. Targets not conforming to Section 6 may be allowed at the option of the Match Director. Unclassified entries are not competitors or eligible for awards. Completion of a technical data form
is not required. Targets are scored but scores are not recorded.
2.3 Physically Handicapped Shooters - Competitors who are unable to fire from prescribed positions or must use special equipment may petition the Board of Directors for exception. Accompanying photographs, medical opinions or other supporting documentation will be considered. Exceptions granted will be signed by the President and must be presented for inspection by the Match Director at Registered Competition.
3.1 Discipline - It is the duty of each competitor to cooperate with Match Officials and to promptly call the attention to proper officials of any infraction of rules of safety or good sportsmanship. No competitor may fire under an assumed name, nor may he substitute for another in a match, nor register, enter, or fire in the name of another.
3.2 Knowledge of Program - It is the competitors' responsibility to be familiar with the Shoot program.
3.3 Technical Data on Competitor's Equipment and Ammunition - shall be supplied on an official form before the competitor fires.
3.4 Reporting at the Firing Point - Competitors must report properly equipped at their assigned firing point immediately when called by the Range Officer.
3.5 Loading - No competitor will load any firearm except at the firing point and after the "Load" command has been given by the Range Officer.
3.6 Cease Firing - All firearms will be unloaded immediately upon the command "Cease Firing".
Actions will remain open. Bolts will be removed from bolt action rifles.
3.7 Checking Scores - Competitors are responsible for checking their own scores.
3.8 Assisting With Targets - Competitors will serve as target detail whenever required under the program of an individual Shoot.
4.1 Cast Bullet - A projectile made of lead or lead alloy which has received its basic form by being cast of molten metal in a mold rather than being formed in a die. A gas check having a sidewall height of no more than 0.10" may be attached to the base. Enlarging or reducing a cast bullet by bumping or swaging is permitted.
4.2 Cast Bullet Cartridge - An assembled round consisting of a primed center-fire cartridge case, a propellant charge, and a bullet meeting the requirements of 4.1.
5.7 Military Rifle Matches - The rules for Registered Military Rifle Matches shall follow existing CBA Benchrest rules with the following additions and exceptions.
(a) Military Rifles
[1] Issue - Any military service rifle issued to any nation and legally sold as surplus in the US and in strictly as issued configuration. The only modifications allowed to the Issue rifle are -- front sight height may be raised or lowered as long as the original profile is kept, the sling and swivel may be removed and a slip on recoil pad may be used.
[2] Modified Iron - Any military service rifle issued to any nation and legally sold as surplus in the US and with issue action and barrel. Stocks may be either issue stocks, modified military stocks or sporter stocks. Modified military or sporter stock forearms may not be wider nor flatter on the bottom than the original stock issued for that rifle. Modified military or sporter stocks may not weigh more than the original issued stock. Any trigger and iron sight may be used and glass bedding is allowed. The barrel may be shortened to a minimum of 20 inches unless that rifle was issued as less then 20 inches.
[3] Modified Scope - Any military service rifle issued to any nation and legally sold as surplus in the US and with issue action and barrel. Stocks may be either issue stocks, modified military stocks or sporter stocks. Modified military or sporter stock forearms may not be wider or flatter on the bottom than the original stock issued for that rifle. Modified military or sporter stocks may not weigh more than the original issued stock. Any trigger and scope up to a maximum of 6 power may be used. Glass bedding is allowed. The barrel may be shortened to a minimum of 20 inches unless that rifle was issued as less then
20 inches.
[4] Big Bore Issue - Any military service rifle issued to any nation and legally sold as surplus in the US with a bore of .39 caliber or larger. This rifle must be in strictly as issued configuration except for the following allowed modifications: The front sight may be raised or lowered as long as the original profile is kept, a rim fire rifle may be converted to center fire and a slip on recoil pad may be used.
5.8 Spotting Scopes - Telescopic apparatus used to spot hits on the target is permitted.
5.9 Rests (Rifle) - In benchrest matches, rifles shall be fired from a sandbag front rest which may be supported on a pedestal, and a sand bag rear rest supporting the underside of the buttstock. Neither sandbag will be utilized in a manner which will restrain recoil.
(a) Rests -Neither the front nor rear rests shall be attached to the bench, the rifle, to each other, or to anything connecting the rests. Forend stops are permitted. Flat shims to provide correct rear bag height for different ranges and "stabilizer" bases are also allowed. These may not be attached to the rear bag or to the bench.
(b) Sandbags - Shall be of one or more materials which can be easily flexed with the fingers before being filled with a non-metallic material similar to dry sand.
5.11 Wind Flags - The use of individual wind flags is optional. Only those flags or other wind indicators approved by the Match Director may be used. Personal wind flags which do not
interfere with other competitors are permissible. Calibrated wind measuring instruments are prohibited.
5.12 All devices which may facilitate shooting and which are not mentioned in these Rules, or are manifestly contrary to the intent of these Rules are prohibited.
(a) Targets
Section 6 Target Requirements
[1] 100 Yard - NRA official 600 yard National Match Course target reduced to 100 yards (MR-31)
or the MR-31 Center Target or the 100 yard Postal Match Target now in use or similar that is an exact duplicate of the MR-31 Scoring Rings. A competitor that requests the full size MR-31 Target should be accommodated if possible.
[2] 200 Yard - NRA official 600 yard National Match Course target reduced to 200 yards (MR - 52). [3] 300 Yard - NRA official 600 yard National Match Course target reduced to 300 yards (MR - 63).
[4] Standing (Offhand) Target for Score – NRA official 100 yard Small Bore Rifle target (TQ-4).
Note: Sighter targets are not required to be the same as the Military Score/Group targets.
(b) Course of Fire - All Military Competitions will be held using single round loading.
[1] 100 Yard Benchrest Score - Ten shots on each of two separate MR-31 targets (or equivalent)
for a combined total of 20 record shots. A separate sighter target may be used. [2] 200 Yard Benchrest Score - Ten shots on each of two separate MR-52 targets for a combined total of 20 record shots. A separate sighter target may be used.
[3] 300 Yard Benchrest Score - Ten shots on each of two separate MR-63 targets for a combined total of 20 record shots. A separate sighter target may be used.
[4] 5 Shot Benchrest Group - Course of fire same as standard rules but using above targets and due to target size, no backers will be required. A separate sighter target may be used.
[5] 10 Shot Benchrest Group - Course of fire same as standard rules but using above targets and due to target size, no backers will be required. A separate sighter target may be used.
Section 7 Time Limits
(a) Time Limits
[1] 5 shot group matches will be fired in 10 minutes elapsed time.
[2] 10 shot group and score matches will be fired in 15 minutes elapsed time.
Section 8 National Records
(a) National Records - National Records will be kept for the following categories by the Director of
Military Competitions. A separate record will be kept for each of the Four Military Rifle Classes.
Benchrest "Score" for each class --
[1] Individual 10 shot score match at 100 yards.
[2] Aggregate (total score) of two 10 shot score matches at 100 yards. [3] Individual 10 shot score match at 200 yards.
[4] Aggregate of two 10 shot score matches at 200 yards. [5] Individual 10 shot score match at 300 yards.
[6] Aggregate of two 10 shot score matches at 300 yards.
[7] Combined (total) aggregate of two 10 shot score matches at 100 yards and two 10 shot score matches at 200 yards.
Benchrest "5 Shot Group" for each class – [1] 5 shots at 100 yards.
[2] 5 shots at 200 yards. [3] 5 shots at 300 yards.
[4] Aggregate of four 5 shot groups at 100 yards. (The aggregate is the average of the four group size measurements rounded to the fourth decimal place.)
[5] Aggregate of four 5 shot groups at 200 yards. [6] Aggregate of four 5 shot groups at 300 yards.
[7] Grand Aggregate of paragraphs [4] and [5] is the average of the four group size measurements at 100 yards averaged with one-half the average of the four group
measurements at 200 yards, expressed as minute of angle. (MOA)
Benchrest "10 Shot Group" for each class – [1] 10 shots at 100 yards.
[2] 10 shots at 200 yards. [3] 10 shots at 300 yards.
[4] Aggregate of two 10 shot groups at 100 yards. (The aggregate is the average of the two group size measurements rounded to the fourth decimal place.)
[5] Aggregate of two 10 shot groups at 200 yards. [6] Aggregate of two 10 shot groups at 300 yards.
[7] Grand Aggregate of paragraphs [4] and [5] is the average of the two group size measurements at 100 yards averaged with one-half the average of the two group
measurements at 200 yards, expressed as minute of angle. (MOA)
Standing (Offhand) "Score" for each class – [1] 10 shots at 100 yards.
[2] Aggregate (total of two 10 shot matches at 100 yards. [3] Aggregate (total of four 10 shot matches at 100 yards.
9.1 Distances - Standard range distances for competition are 100 yards, 200 yards and 300 yards. Tolerance on the distance from the firing line to the target face is plus or minus 1% of the nominal range. When group targets are fired at 100 meters, 200 meters or 300 meters the group measurements may be multiplied by 0.9144 for direct comparison with those fired at 100, 200 or 300 yards.
9.2 Firing Points - Registered shoots shall be conducted from a range equipped with at least four firing points and matching target frames permitting at least four competitors to fire from adjacent positions on a single relay.
The Match Director of each CBA Military Rifle registered competition will conduct all matches in full accordance with these Rules including:
10.1 Registration - The application for the planned competition is submitted to the Director of Military Competitions at least two months in advance of the scheduled date. If fewer than four competitors actually fire in all scheduled events, registration is automatically canceled. Unclassified entries are not competitors and may not be included in the minimum of four who must actually fire.
10.2 Entry Fees - The Match Director will fix registration fees for the shoot to cover all costs; targets, target crews, statistical office staff, range officer, program announcements, advertising, signs, club fees, CBA fees, prizes, trophies and all other expenses. Prizes may be solicited in the name of CBA only for the annual Military National Tournament by the Director of Military Competitions or his designee(s). The sponsoring organization assumes responsibility for any profit or loss. Competitions must be planned to be self-supporting.
10.3 Publicity - Appropriate announcement of competitions will be published in the official journal when approved by the Director of Military Competitions. Information must be received at least two months in advance of the shoot date.
10.4 CBA Forms - Have membership applications, technical data sheets and score report forms available at the shoot.
10.5 Scoring Devices - The statistical officer is properly equipped with a set of plugs for score targets and a reticle rule for group targets.
10.6 Entrant's Membership Status - Each entrant's membership card will be inspected to ascertain the person's eligibility to compete. A completed membership application with annual dues may be accepted from non-members in lieu of a card. Receipt of such application and dues will be noted by the Match Director on that competitor's Technical Data Form.
10.8 Technical Data Record - A completed technical data form describing the equipment and ammunition used in the matches will be obtained from each competitor. The Match Director or his designee(s) will review forms for completeness and readability while the competitors are still on the premises.
10.9 Announcing Matches - The chief range officer orally describes each match for the information of competitors prior to the commencement of firing the match.
10.10 Passage of Time - Range officers will announce when there is one minute of time remaining in the match.
10.11 Inspecting Ammunition - At the discretion of the Match Director, ammunition may be checked during the course of the program for compliance with Section 4.
10.12 Reporting Scores/Groups and Aggregates - Scores/Groups, aggregates and grand aggregates are recorded and reported in an organized fashion for publication in the official journal. Applicable technical data will be suitably tabulated for concurrent inclusion.
10.13 Documentation of Record Breaking - Targets that evidence the possible breaking of an officially recognized Military Rifle national record will be carefully segregated and preserved for formal submission to the Director of Military Competitions.
11.1 Actions Open - The action of uncased firearms must remain open at all times except when in use on the firing line.
11.2 Rifles Unloaded - Rifles will not be loaded until the competitor has taken position at the firing point and the command "LOAD" has been given.
11.3 Bench Assignment - The method of bench selection shall be determined by the match director.
However, if requested by one or more competitors, then bench assignment shall be by drawing or by bench rotation at the option of the Match Director. Drawing shall be by individual competitors and may begin when a minimum of four competitors are present. Bench rotation shall be conducted by each competitor moving a pre-determined number of benches to the right and shall take place at or near the mid-point of the program.
11.4 Coaching - is permitted as long as it does not distract other competitors.
11.5 Use of Two Firearms
(a) Events - A competitor may fire one firearm in one event (see 1.1 b) and a different firearm in another provided the competitor registers twice and pays the regular entry fee for one firearm and a nominal fee (minimum $1) set by the Match Director for the second firearm. Separate competitor numbers will be assigned for each registration. Grand Aggregates are recorded only when the two firearms are of the same class with one fired for score and the other for group.
(b) Classes - When more than one relay has been scheduled, a competitor may fire a firearm of
one class in one relay and a second of another class in another relay. The competitor registers twice and pays twice the regular entry fee. Separate competitor numbers will be assigned for each registration. Grand aggregates are recorded.
11.6 Changing Rifles - No competitor will change his rifle during the firing of any match or aggregate unless it has become disabled and has been so declared by the Range Officer or Match Director.
11.7 Disabled Rifle - is any rifle which cannot be safely aimed or fired or has suffered the loss of a sight rendering it impossible to properly aim at the target or cannot be fired because of mechanical failure. There must be evidence of physical damage to sights. Sights improperly adjusted do not
constitute a disabled rifle. A rifle once declared disabled by the Range Officer shall not be used again at that competition until the defect has been corrected and the rifle has been ruled as safe by the Range Officer.
11.8 Procedure In Case Of Disabled Rifle - If a rifle becomes disabled the competitor will call the Range Officer. The Range Officer, when satisfied the rifle is disabled, will permit the competitor to use another rifle of the same class. Additional time may be allowed equal to the time lost because of the disabled rifle. All shots fired up until the time the Range Officer is called will stand as part of the official score.
11.9 Misplaced Sighting Shot - When the first sighting shot hits outside or touches the defined sighting target boundary the competitor will inform the Range Officer of the location of such shot. The Range Officer will record the value and location of the bullet hole for the information of the statistical officer. No such claim for negating a misplaced sighting shot will be allowed after the competitor has fired more than one shot.
11.10 Incomplete Matches
(a) Not Completed By All Competitors - When a match is not completed by all competitors in accordance with the shoot's program, the match may be rescheduled or cancelled. Any match which has been completed by all competitors will not be refired. Only scores/groups of a match which has been completed will be included in an aggregate.
(b) Inclement Weather -When rain or other weather conditions result in warpage, stretching or other damage to target cards and the match is stopped, it is the decision of the Match Director whether to scrap the fired targets and reschedule the match or to hold all fired for scoring or measuring when conditions permit firing to be resumed.
11.11 Refusal To Obey - No person will refuse to obey instructions of the Range Officer or of any other official when the instructions are given in the proper conduct of his office.
11.12 Evasion of Rules - No competitor will evade, attempt to evade or be an accessory to the evasion of any of the conditions of a match as prescribed in the program or in these Rules. Refusal of a competitor or match official to give testimony regarding facts known to him concerning violations or attempted violations of these Rules will constitute being an accessory to the violation or attempted violation.
11.13 Disqualification - The Range Officer, the Match Director or the Director of Competition upon proper presentation of evidence may disqualify any competitor or order his expulsion from the range for violation of these Rules or for other conduct they consider discreditable or unsafe. Such unsafe conduct shall include, but not be limited to, failure to promptly obey range commands, pointing of a firearm muzzle in an unsafe direction or manner, rough or careless treatment of firearms, ammunition or components thereof, or evidence of intoxication or mental disorientation from any cause.
11.14 Suspension - For violation of these Rules deemed so to justify, any member may be suspended or expelled from The Cast Bullet Association upon presentation of evidence and conduct of a hearing by the CBA Board of Directors.
11.15 General - Adherence to the spirit of these Rules is essential. Nothing is allowable in local or regional registered shoots that would not be allowed at a National Tournament.
Section 12 SCORING
12.1 How To Score - First examine the target and count the hits to determine whether there are excess hits, misses, or hits of uncertain value that will require gauging.
12.2 Scoring Of Ring Targets
(a) Location of bullet hole - A bullet hole, the leading edge of which breaks, touches, or is visibly tangent to the X-dot or any scoring ring is given the higher value, including keyholed or tipped shots. All X's must be scored.
(b) Gauging - In case of doubt whether a bullet hole touches a dot or ring, the statistical officer will use a plug of the proper caliber to aid in making his scoring determination.
(c) Hits outside the scoring rings are scored as zeros.
12.3 Measuring Group Targets - The group size is the distance between the centers of the two most distant bullet holes measured to the nearest one-thousandth of an inch. The Sweany Reticle Rule is the preferred measuring device. The record target must have the required number of hits. Excess hits do not disqualify the target but all hits on the target will be included in measuring the group.
12.4 Excess Hits (Score)
(a) On Own Target - A competitor firing more than the required number of shots on his own target card will be scored with the required number of hits of lowest value.
(b) Misplaced Shot On Own Target - If a competitor fires more than the required number of shots on a bull but the total number of shots for the target is correct, the misplaced shots will be scored on the correct bull minus a penalty point for each misplaced shot.
12.5 Crossfires - No competitor will deliberately fire on another's target. It is the responsibility of each competitor to report immediately to the Range Officer any crossfiring. Crossfires will be scored according to the following rules:
(a) When Shooting For Score -The competitor firing the crossfired shot will receive the hit of lowest value on the corresponding bull minus a penalty point. This applies whether or not the hit can be identified. The competitor on whose target was crossfired will receive the highest value for that bull.
(b) When Shooting For Group - If the crossfired hit can be identified, it will not be included in the group measurement of the competitor receiving it. The competitor firing the crossfire will be penalized by adding to his group measurement.500 inch for 100 yard matches or 1.000 inch for 200 yard matches. If the crossfired shot cannot be identified, the competitor receiving it has the option of accepting the group or refiring the match.
12.6 Early Or Late Shots - If a competitor in a score match fires before the signal to Commence Firing or after the signal to Cease Firing, the shots of highest value on that target card, equal in number to those fired in error, will be scored as misses. In group matches, early or late shots will be scored as misses and disqualify the target.
12.7 All Shots Count - All shots fired by a competitor will be counted in his score or group even though the firearm may be accidentally discharged.
12.8 Retention Of Record Targets - Match Directors and statistical officers shall retain possession of record targets until all scores/groups are determined, compared, and aggregates tallied. Competitors shall not remove fired targets from the "wailing wall" until permission is granted by the statistical officer or Match Director. After grand aggregate scores/groups are determined:
(a) All winning targets will be retained carefully at least 15 days for comparison with existing officially recognized National Records.
(b) Other fired targets will be released immediately to competitors desiring them.
(c) Individual targets or sets of targets which support scores/groups appearing to break official Military Rifle national records must be submitted by the Match Director to the Director of Military Competitions for scoring confirmation and decision on official recognition. Such record targets so recognized are retained in CBA archives. Record targets submitted to the Director of Military Competitions for appraisal as to the breaking of an officially recognized national record must be accompanied by the associated completed technical data form.
13.1 Score Targets - Tie scores will be broken (in order) by: (a) The greater number of X's.
(b) If X count is equal, the greater number of 10's.
(c) If 10 count is equal, the greater number of 9's, etc.
(d) If still tied and a grand aggregate, by the higher score at the longer range.
(e) If still tied, by scoring from the last numbered bull backward until a higher value on comparably numbered bull determines the winner.
13.2 Group Targets - Ties in group matches (competitors having groups of identical size) will be broken
by the relative position of the competitors in match aggregate; that is, the competitor with the smaller
aggregate group measurement wins the individual match. Ties in a group aggregate will be broken
by comparing the relative sizes of the tied competitors' groups. The smallest individual group wins
the aggregate.
Section 14 PROTESTS
14.1 Competitors in registered competitions may protest:
(a) Evaluation of targets fired by himself or other competitors.
(b) Conditions under which another competitor has been allowed to fire. (c) Equipment another competitor has been allowed to use.
(d) Any injustice which he feels has been done to him.
14.2 How To Protest - A protest must be identified immediately upon occurrence of the protested incident. The protesting competitor will:
(a) State the complaint orally to the Range Officer or Statistical Officer. If not satisfied with his decision, then:
(b) State the complaint orally to the Match Director. If not satisfied with his decision, then:
(c) File a formal written protest to the Director of Military Competitions stating all the facts in the case. Such written protest must be filed within 7 days after occurrence of the protested incident. Director of Military Competitions will then forward the protest with a complete statement of known facts to the Board of Directors which will render the final decision.
14.3 Protest Fees
(a) A fee of $2 is charged for re-evaluating a target or for simple visual inspection of equipment not requiring disassembly or special tools. If the protest is sustained the fee will be refunded to the protesting competitor. If the protest is not sustained the fee will be added to the general revenue of the shoot.
(b) A fee of $20 will be charged for processing any protest involving disassembly of equipment or special tools. Disassembly will not take place until after the last match of the shoot in which the protested equipment is used. If the protest is sustained the fee will be refunded to the
protesting competitor. If the protest is not sustained the fee is paid to the competitor whose equipment was protested. A competitor whose equipment is protested has the option of refusing inspection. By doing so, he disqualifies himself from all matches in which the equipment was used.
15.1 Proposed Changes - Proposed changes to the rules must be received by the Secretary in writing by June 1 of each year. The Secretary will cause a summary of the proposed changes to be published in the July-August issue of the official journal. The Board of Directors will vote on the proposed changes at that year's annual meeting. The Board of Directors may make minor amendments during the Annual Meeting to proposed rule changes to avoid the necessity of having to make minor changes and present them the following year. The Secretary will then cause changes passed to be published in the official journal. Any change passed by a Director vote of less than 1-1/2 to 1 may
be overturned by a majority vote of eligible members.
15.2 Eligibility To Propose And Vote On Changes - CBA regular members who have competed in at least one CBA registered shoulder-to-shoulder match are eligible to:
(a) Initiate a proposal for a change in the Rules or call for a member vote as provided in 15.1. (b) Vote on changes passed by a vote of less than 1-1/2 to I as provided in 15.1.