Palm or Soy Wax?

  • Last Post 28 October 2016
.22-10-45 posted this 22 May 2015

Has anyone used either of these waxes in a lube formula?  Thanks.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 22 May 2015

at least in some formulations, palm wax is carnauba wax; of course in the commercial world who knows .... like buying sea perch at walmart ...


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Eutectic posted this 28 October 2016

There are several waxes called “palm wax” because they come from palm trees.

Soy wax is hydrogenated soy bean oil. It is available in hobby stores for candle making. Soy wax is very soft, so a hydrogenated palm oil like coconut oil which is harder is sometimes added.

Soy wax is on my list of things to try.


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Duane Mellenbruch posted this 28 October 2016

I did some lube with soy wax and found that over a two year period, it dried and shrunk in the container. I probably should visit that project again, but like most, the interest passed and other things moved to the front.

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fa38 posted this 28 October 2016

I purchased some a few years ago and it came in a plastic bucket in bead form about twice the size of BB gun BB's. I was going to try it in black powder loads but never got around to doing it.

I use it when I get too much beeswax in my lube and need to soften it so that it will flow more easily through a lube sizer.   It does not seem to make the lube any better or worse but then I don't shoot my cast bullets very fast so maybe any lube will work. I have tried a lot of different lubes and they all worked if the bullet fit the rifle or handgun.

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