uberti open top revolversI

  • Last Post 08 August 2018
loophole posted this 26 June 2017

Some of you may be interested. . . .

I shoot revolvers just for plinking.  I have owned a bunch of them over the last 40+ years, but I do not brag on my marksmanship.  I bought a couple of uberti colt reproductions a few weeks ago--1871 open top in 44russ/44spl and 38spl.  I own a few s&w's and rugers I have owned and shoot others.  The workmanship on the uberti's is excellent.  Smooth, light triggers, solid action and lockup, great finish and chambering.

I cannot shoot handguns well enough (70+ year old eyes and shakes) to tell how accurate they are but they aren't bettered by my mod 29 smiths and my blackhawks, and I hit my 100 yd man-chest-size steel fairly often.  After hot 357 and 44 mag loads it is great to shoot 38spl and 44spl loads.  I even broke out my long-neglected  combat masterpiece and showed it some love.

Loads:  38spl, 4.7gr universal and 125 keith bullet; 44 russ, 5gr titegroup and 185 keith bullet.


steve k



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R. Dupraz posted this 26 June 2017

Ain't being an old fart just grand? 

I, like you am an old pistolero  at heart. Particularly wheel guns. Back in the day I figured that the only reason that they listed max loads in the manual was that you were supposed  to  shoot em. Man that was fun. At least I thought so. Any more it's all midrange or not even, in 44 special's, and such just for falling plates, clays, steel animals and whatever else gets in the way.

It's taken 50 years for this feeble brain to finally get what an enjoyable afternoon at the range really is about. . .

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GP Idaho posted this 27 June 2017

Revolvers are my favorite. I've always lusted after a top break in either 44-40 or 45 S&W. And for plinking targets there is just something that tickles me about lofting a golf ball like it's been whacked hard with a nine iron.  Gp

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BigMan54 posted this 27 June 2017

I love revolvers. Was raised on them & the old 1911. My days with max loads are also past. But I burned through enough of the Thompson gas check load in  NM BlackHawk to cause gas cutting in the 1st three years. These days it's light loads most all the time. 

I had both a UBERTI #3 Schofield in .45Colt &  UBERTI #3 Russian in .44 Russian. Sights on both are HORRIBLE.  And the Russian's just were impossible to see. Sold it off but kept the Schofield. Sights aren't much better, but they are usable & fun as all get out to shoot. I even use .45 S&W cases to load for it. 230gr bullet hits very close to point of aim. But hit a golf ball, I wish you  the best of luck. I can manage a 3 - 4 inch group at 50ft. Good enough for COWBOY SHOOTING. 

The UBERTI  1860 Richards/Mason conversion I had in .44spl had even worse sights, but was a natural pointer & shot extremely well with a 250grRN.  Lighter bullets would hit "below point of aim".

Long time Caster/Reloader, Getting back into it after almost 10yrs. Life Member NRA 40+yrs, Life S.A.S.S. #375. Does this mean a description of me as a fumble-fingered knuckle-draggin' baboon. I also drool in my sleep. I firmly believe that true happiness is a warm gun. Did I mention how much I HATE auto-correct on this blasted tablet.

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GregT posted this 01 August 2018

I just turned 70 on June 19th. Finally retired from the local high school, and 4 days after retirement was up in St. Mary's Hospital in Duluth, Minnesota having triple bypass surgery! I have been a NRA lifer since 1963 and really like handguns of all types. I have a couple of Remington Model 1858's, one a revolver and one a revolving carbine. Both I have fitted cartridge cylinders to (45 Colt). Also have several Colt cap and balls, my favorite being a 2nd Model Dragoon in caliber .44. I figure that with my "new" heart, I should be good for another 20 years. Now just have to learn to walk distances and breath again! Do any of you guys do concealed carry? I use a Remington Model 51 .380 (1919) with cast bullets.

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R. Dupraz posted this 01 August 2018

''Do any of you guys do concealed carry?"

Being a retired LEO after nearly 30 yrs, I get that question occasionally. My standard answer is.....


"Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, It's up to you to figure out which is which." 



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loophole posted this 02 August 2018

I always  loved the looks and feel of Colt open top revolvers, so a year or so I bought a couple of Uberti's.  a 38 spl and a 44 russ/44 spl.  Like some of you I had all the max 357 mag loads I wanted, and I never enjoyed  a full house 44 mag, even in a Super Blackhawk.  The milder loads in the open tops are just as effective as magnum loads on my steel plates and IPSC targets, and the ammo is cheaper to load.  I bought my wife a Combat Masterpiece a few years ago (which she never shoots) so I took it with me the last time I took the open tops to the range and remembered how much fun I had shooting Uncle Sam's ammo in the air force before I owned any pistol,

I found a ruger flat-top in 44 spl and I love the feel and balance.  The frame and cylinder is shorter than the 44 mag and it feels better in my hand than any other ruger.

Steve K  

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Geargnasher posted this 08 August 2018

I'm not as old as many of you yet but have a couple of .45 Colt Uberti 1872 clones and enjoy them immensely, especially after I replaced the leaf trigger/bolt spring with a wire one made by Wolf for the 1873 model.  In my opinion the Open Top is the perfect revolver...1860 grip frame with room for all the fingers, low sight plane, and it takes cartridges.  Mild cartridges.

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BigMan54 posted this 08 August 2018


It seems I'm back where I started as a small boy. Light loads in everything. so I'm going to go against the grain and actuactually list a few.

.38spl, 150grs over 2.7grs of BULLSEYE. 

.45acp, 195grs over 3.5grs of BULLSEYE.

.44spl, 200grs over  5.5grs of UNIQUE. 

.45Colt, 200grs over 6.5grs of UNIQUE.  

I know just about all these loads are way below listed minimums . But they have worked safely in my guns since I started shooting at age four.  I use the LYMAN#452488 SWC in .45acp. The bullet seats so deep in the case that it takes up more then half the powder space. With a std spring in my 1911's, I cut off 3 coils. I don't know the springs weight, but it's worked for 50+ years.  

All the loads use deep seated Bullets that take up a great deal of powder space.



Long time Caster/Reloader, Getting back into it after almost 10yrs. Life Member NRA 40+yrs, Life S.A.S.S. #375. Does this mean a description of me as a fumble-fingered knuckle-draggin' baboon. I also drool in my sleep. I firmly believe that true happiness is a warm gun. Did I mention how much I HATE auto-correct on this blasted tablet.

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